
The following guidelines will help guide you forward in your meditative journey.
Sit in your quiet place in the position that’s most comfortable for you and close your eyes. “Roll your shoulders back and down and gently lift the chest. Keep your neck long and the chin tilted slightly downward.
Relax your muscles sequentially from head to feet…. Starting with your forehead, become aware of tension as you breathe in. Let go of any obvious tension as you breathe out. Do this as you concentrate on each part of your body.
Even if breathing is not your object of meditation, you should take slow, natural breaths. If you choose to use a mantra, you may repeat it quietly or silently as you exhale.
You should plan on meditating for a specific amount of time. Ten to 20 minutes is ideal if you’re just beginning. More experienced meditators may choose to meditate longer. Using an alarm is not recommended. It is better to open one eye and check the time when you feel you are close to finishing.
After you finish: Sit quietly for a minute or so, at first with your eyes closed and later with your eyes open. Do not stand for one to two minutes.